WHAT IS A SWARM? “Swarm” is not plural for many honeybees, like a “herd of buffalo” or a “school of fish,” it’s a term used to describe a grouping of honeybees that recently split-off from a strong “mother colony” to start a new hive. Catching and
Honey isn’t the only superfood bees have given us. Today we’re going to tell you about the reason the bees knees are ‘The bees knees:’ Bee Pollen! As bees fly around collecting nectar for their honey they develop a positive electric charge. Pollen, which is negatively charged, is electromagnetically
Have you ever found an old jar of honey at the back of your cupboard and wondered if it’s still safe to eat? Today we’re going to tell you all about honey’s eternal lifespan. Funnily enough, honey is one of the only natural food products to have no expiration date.
Although the health benefits of Manuka honey have been studied for some time, the health benefits of Buckwheat honey are just beginning to be discovered. Manuka Honey is a dark, medicinal honey, farmed in Australia and New Zealand. Buckwheat honey is made a little closer to home, being commonly farmed
After humans, Honey bees are by far the most industrious creatures on the planet. Working tirelessly as a team to make honey and, in the process, pollinate plants all across the world. But how does a creature the size of a tic tac turn flower power into sweet honey? Extreme